RA completa 13 anos no AR

sábado, 6 de maio de 2006

A milésima edição

Revista comemora com capa inspirada em Sgt. Peppers



At 6/5/06 21:16, Blogger Kelvin said...

Kia Ora (Hello) from a blogger down under in New Zealand.I was surfing the blog world when your blog popped up, so I thought I would have a look, even though I cannot understand your language. What a really "great" blog - it really is !!! A photo is certainly worth a thousand words, as they say. I have listed your blog @ # 578 on my blog 21 21 21 Great Blogs To Read as it is worth sharing.

At 6/5/06 23:21, Anonymous Anônimo said...

Thanks Kelvin! Kia Ora.
You're completely right when you say a photo worth a thousand words. That's why we don't need frontiers, countries, flags or passports in the blog world. I'm very pleased to know you and your great blog. Since now, it's one of my favourites.
Best regards.


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